Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Safe Space ~ 11/3/2020

 I dreamed I was in a sort of live-action Minecraft world, where I could build and dig and collaborate with friends, and develop tools and different building items using some basic starting objects. I was part of a group of people who were given a choice of starting points, and could from there build out a space to live in, so I picked an area and started digging. 

I had to change areas a couple of times, because people around me were working faster, and kind of cut off the parts where I was trying to expand. I also was not paying a lot of attention to collecting the sort of stone oblong that were the base material to make certain tools, like better shovels. And I wasn't doing much to hunt up the different stations around the area that would give you the crystals that could combine with the stone rods to make keys or window panes or door knobs, or the small motorized wooden blocks that could be used to make vehicles to help move around quickly or haul materials.

I kept breaking through into other areas and having to reroute, but it was okay at first, because I could always go back and fix it. Some of them weren't owned by anyone, and I could also incorporate them into my design. There was a library with scarlet velvet curtains and high windows, and I decided I would keep that. I mostly just needed to define an area, then work on getting it closed off to others and established as my place. So, I had to secure my entry way, and all of the doors leading out of the library.

To do that, I needed to find a router block, which was one of the oblongs of stone. They were porous, like pumice, but polished smooth. They had a flat surface down their length, and were rounded, sort of semicircular in profile along that. They were irregular, organic in shape, and could be combined with these rectangular, smoky gray crystals, in several ways to make several different items, including keys.

But there was a guy whose whole strategy wasn't to carve out his own structure, but to develop tools and objects fast. He figured out how to make, not just a regular key, but a super key that would transform doors into doors only he could lock and unlock, forever. He decided he wanted the house I was building, and that he also wanted to terrorize me for fun, so he started stalking me.

He chased me out of the best parts of what I was building, and I had no where to hide. My friends tried to help me get my own super key so that I could wall off his doors and install my own. But because I had broke through so many places, there were all sorts of areas where he could still gain entry into any area I tried to carve out and secure. At last I was just running, and trying to dive into caves and throw up secure doors behind myself, but he seemed to have an entire map of the area, and found back ways into my caves, and doors in rooms that I hadn't secured yet. 

Finally, I was cornered, and he was right behind me, and he had hold of one side of the door, and was trying to shut it, because he couldn't secure it with his key unless it was fully shut and latched, and I was clinging to the handle trying to keep it from closing, but also blocking it so he couldn't come in and throw me out. And I was sobbing for him to just leave me alone. And then I woke up.