I think I'm going to do a regular Throw Back Third Thursday to post things from my journal that I don't get around to putting in the blog as they come. For my first TBTT, I present the dream that started it all. I have had bizarre dreams all my life, but this one was so strange I just HAD to post about it on social media, and from those sporadic postings and their fans, I finally came to the decision to start this blog. So here it is.
One minute I was standing on a bed in my godparents' kitchen trying to rehang a chandelier I'd taken down to fix (this is even weirder if you've seen my godparents' kitchen).
Then I was looking for an apartment in San Antonio and wondering how I was going to move my washer and dryer, until I remembered, hey, they aren't mine.
Then I was in a cruise ship bar explaining the plot of a novel I was writing to a bartender, which featured a hero/detective who only avoided being poisoned because he had celiac, so he didn't eat any of the poisoned dish.
THEN I was with my family trying to find a steakhouse to eat at, and when we got to our table, we had to plug our chairs in to what appeared to be the ventricles and atria of an anatomically correct robotic heart.
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