January 24, 2012
Wow. You know what's not restful? Dreaming that you rent a room in a big, run down suburban house, and you overhear the neighbor across the street tell the owner that he saw a man in the upstairs window, and the owner says, yeah, there's a guy squatting up there, it's cool. And then in your dream you wake up at night to see the shadow of a guy through the windows by your door (yes, big, interior, floor to ceiling glass windows with the blinds half open) and he's just standing out there staring at you. Yeah, that's not restful.
January 25, 2012
The saga of unrest continues. I woke up this morning from a dream where I was leading a combination of my high school band and my college band through a field rehearsal because all the band directors were out. We were rehearsing for the first time at a new performance venue that was so out in the middle of nowhere that we had a cable car tram to bring people from the parking lot. There were these two red-headed boys who were on the phone the whole time because their mom was in the hospital dying, and I kept telling them to leave and go be with her, but every time I turned around they were still there. I was trying to get the band to play Start Me Up, and they were really sucking. Then I realized only 15 of them were playing, and when I looked for the others, I saw a pair of HUGE FREAKIN' CAVE HYENAS stalking through their ranks. The hyenas had mesmerized the band, who all dropped down to all fours and began to stalk in unison. I shouted to get their attention, and the lead hyena turned its head slowly and looked up at me with glowing golden eyes... And then my alarm went off and I nearly fell out of bed I jumped so high. I was shaking and drenched in a cold sweat. I'm still kinda jittery.
January 26, 2012
Sorry guys, don't remember much about the dream this morning. I know it involved meeting Marilyn Monroe in a bar that had once been a barn, and later trying to clean up the same barn after having been abandoned for years, at which point it was haunted by the ghosts of two little girls whose mother's boyfriend had killed them, run off with her, and later killed her at a gas station.
There you have it. Something in the moonshine THAT week!
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