I dreamed that my sister, a cousin, and a couple of my friends were trying to find hiding places in a house in the woods. There was someone outside who was playing a game. If she found us within five minutes after coming in, she would prod us with a weapon that would shock us or hurt us somehow, but not kill us, and would also take a large amount of money away from us.
I came up with a plan to trick her. Four of us hid in a small bathroom that had a window up near the ceiling. You could see into it from farther up the slope behind the house, where she was, and we made sure parts of ourselves were visible, though we were mostly hidden. It worked. We saw that she saw us, then when she went around to come in the door, we all scattered to better hiding spots.
It actually took a few hours for a couple of my friends to come out of hiding. I think they'd fallen asleep. One of them came in from the garage eventually, and started being super huggy and snuggly, which I didn't mind because I found him quite attractive. But then another friend brought in evidence that two women, twin half-elves, had been killed in one of the sheds. They left some sort of sweet smelling blue-green residue in the vent of the window unit air conditioner as they perished.
The only person who could have been out in the sheds was my newly snuggly friend. It turned out that he, to, was part elvish, and knew that the sisters had hidden a magic ring in my house. He had tried to get them to tell him where it was, but they wouldn't, so he killed them. Then he tried to get closer to me so he'd have the opportunity to search the house. He showed absolutely zero remorse or fear now that he'd been caught, and clearly planned to stay put and find that ring, no matter how many of us he needed to kill. I didn't give a shit about magic rings, and was completely devastated by his betrayal, so I just told him to have a blast and left.
My sister and cousin and I met up with some more cousins, and went on a helicopter tour of Scotland. It was a big, fancy helicopter that had suites and bathrooms and was basically a very posh house on rotors. We stopped at a Walgreen's because I needed shampoo, but it took me a long time to find my brand, and while I was waiting to ask, I made friends with some folks there buying school supplies. A fifteen year old boy was talking about how his friends made fun of him because he still like to color with crayons, but he showed me some of his work, and he was an amazing artist. I told him he had a gift, and confided that I, too, loved to buy myself big boxes of crayons to color with, and how the very first thing I ever did upon opening them was put them all in rainbow order.
We left the Walgreen's and continued up into the highlands. But we went through a sort of door into the past somewhere along the way, and found ourselves in the early 18th century, with kilted clansmen battling red-coated Englishmen here and there. And here we were terrifying all of them with our gigantic helicopter. We wanted to save a man and a woman named Jaime and Clair who seemed to be in trouble, and were perched atop a pillar of rock with sheer sides that only we could really get to. We landed, and there was just barely enough room for that, but we couldn't figure out how to get their horse in and out of our helicopter. Especially since it kept turning into a unicorn, then a huge bear, then back to a horse. Then I woke up.
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