Monday, September 29, 2014

Welsh Independence ~ 9/29/2014

I dreamed Wales was fighting to remain independent from Britain. I was a double agent, pretending to be on the side of unification, but really working for the Welsh. The English had occupied a castle near the border, a massive pile of grey slate in a golden field. I entered the castle just before the gates closed at sunset, in a rain shower that turned the stone slick and black in the torchlight.

After midnight, I let in some of the regiment that was waiting outside, and we succeeded in rescuing some of our men imprisoned in the castle, and stealing armaments, but then we had to get out. As the main body of our troop was retreating across the plain, I rode up a small rise, and saw that the British were coming, I called out to warn them, then dashed into a dense grove on the back side of the hill, and worked my way, from copse to copse, into the craggy, forested terrain, away from the troop, because, above all, I could not be caught, and I was a spy, not a warrior.

I made my way back into the towns and cities, and found myself outside of the big Kroger's on Buffalo Speedway in Houston.  The store clerk from the British Isles shop was there, and she greeted me with a hard kiss on the mouth, which utterly confused me.  Then she shape-shifted into one of my ex-boyfriends, and he laid his head on my shoulder, and I patted his hair, trying to figure out which, if either, persona was real.

He went on his way, and I went into the store. I needed to buy a small oven, but I was also interested in some tiny, counter-top clothes washers that could only handle, like, one sheet at a time, but could sit on the counter and drain into the sink. In the end, I think I only bought a big box of cereal and a soda.

I left the store, and tried to go home, but then I turned into Sansa Stark, and I was kidnapped by Little Finger's men, and taken to another castle.  They insisted that I had to marry Little Finger, and if I tried to run or protested in public, they'd kill me.  I was very scared, but when it came to the point, I both protested in public, right at the altar, and then tried to run. I got away, and was trying to find a good place to hide when I woke up.

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