I dreamed I was up in a balcony of a performance hall with some friends while vocal master classes and dress rehearsals were going on. While people were onstage, we had to stay quiet, of course, and would listen to the music. But in between those times, we played a board game.
The game involved C, D, and E cards that called out different actions, which you drew and followed when you landed on a space marked with the letter. You could also build on blank spaces, and put little tokens on the spaces you built to modify their actions. Like, you could put down animal cards, and if they were the same animal, and if they had a peppermint or a soccer ball token on one of them, they could communicate, and your marker could jump straight from one to the other, getting you across the board faster.
The game also had these big, sausage-shaped rabbit sort of creatures. Every so often you'd land on a square where you had to pay a fee using a certain amount of a certain color fur, which you would have to see if you could find and sheer off of your rabbit.
There were also castle spaces, and my sister played a card combination that let her jump to the next castle space, but since I didn't have any rocket ships built, it made me have to go backward. We had a difference of opinion about how far back I had to go. She thought I had to go back to the first castle after the home castle withe the peacock and the waterfall. I said that didn't make sense, that I should have to go back to either the last castle I'd passed, or the home castle itself.
It turned out, after several minutes of consulting the rule book, that I had to go all the way back home. Then I woke up.
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