I was an ancient Egyptian brought through time, exploring the relics of my culture, lost and buried in a post-apocalyptic world almost devoid of human population. There were a number of us, scattered across the region. Two of my close friends were with me as I climbed down into a cavern to find a broad stone hall with painted statues of the pharaoh looming huge above us, on either side of a small canal that still carried clean water into the temple.
One of my friends was chosen as our leader, and given the power to turn into a bird. Back outside, the sun was setting red in an amber sky. A small flock of birds flew across the sky overhead, black silhouettes of four or five raptors, two small falcons, a hawk, a large eagle, and something huge with a ridiculously long tail that I realized was a peacock.
I followed them down into the valley, and found my friend in our lodging. There were a number of men and women hanging around, trying to ingratiate themselves with her, hoping to become her partner. The scene slowly evolved into a superhero musical, where Superman's goal was to save my friend's life to get into her good graces, but my friend wasn't in any danger, and wonder woman and a unicorn and some people dressed like Cirque de Soleil parrots were acting as his conscience and upbraiding him for even thinking of trying to put her into danger just so he could pull her out.
My friend turned Superman down and we all went to Starbucks. Since we'd been at the museum to see the musical, we got pinstripe cups that we could get one free refill in. There were also samples of a soft, buttery cheese in an orange rind, coated with what looked like sugar crystals, so we tried some of that. It was weird. Then I woke up.
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