I dreamed I through a Valentine's day party. It was in the hidden attic of a mysterious old home. An evil spirit began possessing my guests. Their eyes would go filmy gray and they'd try to hurt someone. The only way to drive out the ghost was to either render the host unconscious so the ghost would get bored and find someone else, or to put salt in the host's mouth, which the ghost couldn't tolerate.
No one liked the salt idea, but then one of my friends attacked me while possessed, and in the process of trying to hold her off of me and render her unconscious, I felt something snap and I think I choked her to death on accident. So we all sat around eating salt while we tried to figure out something more permanent. When it struck midnight, the spirit disappeared.
The next year on Valentine's Day we gathered again in a park. It turned out the spirit had followed us, so again with the salt. I was pretty sure it was sticking with me, so I started carrying around bottles of saline solution. I'd use them to spray the perimeter of whatever room I was staying in so the ghost couldn't follow me. I'd done the whole garage, and felt pretty secure, until I realized my mom had been befuddled by, but prompt to clean up, the white lines of salt that had dried in front of the doors.
My family home was in the French Quarter and it was so big that it fronted on St. Philip, but my bedroom overlooked the next street over, which was, of course, St. Louis. A house on St. Louis St. caught fire, and I could see the flames from my bedroom window. A firefighting aircraft that looked like a jet fighter plane landed and they hooked hoses up to it and started pumping water. But then my mom called me and asked if I could take my little sister and stay with someone Uptown for the night, just to be safe.
So I went to get my car, but I got lost somehow, because instead of Ursulines and Governor Nichols, the next streets up were Robert and Euphonium and I couldn't remember where I'd parked my car.The streets were filled with injured people and flaming debris. I finally got it back and got home and my sister was packing and I was trying to decide which friend Uptown to call first when I woke up.
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