I dreamed that Mom was hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house in the Hill Country, and had invited about a hundred people. There were these crazy twenty-somethings running around, a few pairs of best friends who had performed a spell on themselves that melded traits from each into the other, so they could be closer than ever. Two of them were girls who WOULD NOT get out of my bathroom. All they were doing was talking, and I really needed to take a shower before dinner was on the table.
Guests kept coming, and they kept trying to use my bathroom, when there were three other bathrooms in the house. And I'm slinking around all greasy haired, trying to find my clothes and get my shower. Then I find that my sister has taken out all the things I'd gathered and put them back in my room and is showing people to my bathroom to use. I got so mad at her I grabbed her shoulders and started yelling in her face, but I couldn't yell. Then I realized she'd done the meld spell with her best friend, so to get back at them all, I said the counter-spell and they all fell into their individual selves.
While they were sorting that out, I seized my chance, grabbed my stuff, got to the bathroom, locked the door... only the lock wouldn't hold, and people kept trying to get in. My mom told me to let them, that I needed to come help her, anyhow. So I went to go help, figuring I'd do whatever it was as quick as I could. There was an antique bathtub full of hermit crabs and empty shells decorating the living room, and the bigger crabs kept trying to climb out over a pile of shells banked up against the back of the tub, so I spent a few minutes getting all the shells evened out so they couldn't reach. I figured that would buy me enough time to get a quick shower in.
I stomped back to my bathroom, determined to kick everyone out and get my darn shower. Only to find that my mom had seated three of the oldest family members at little tables in there, and was putting their dinner out for them. One of them told me I needed to get out of those pajamas and get ready for dinner, so I poked around for my red, white, and blue shirt with the stars on it, and slunk away to my room to change. My shower was just not to be. Then I woke up.
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