Thursday, May 10, 2018

Even in My Dreams Dating Sucks ~ 5/10/2018

I dreamed I was preparing to fight a war on the far side of the galaxy. I was part of a platoon digging ancient castles and other fortifications out of centuries of blown sand on a desert world. Once we got the sand cleared out, the engineers would come in and arm the towers, and we diggers could go on one last shore leave on our home planets before we got stationed for battle.

I was on a freight ship that had earth somewhere along the middle of its route. I was worried that it would take so long to get there that I wouldn’t get to see my friends and family. But I met some interesting people on the ship, and we all programmed each other into our comm links. The tall blond guy I had at comm channel 047 became a good friend, and we flirted a bit, and maybe would have dated, if there hadn’t been a war, we lived on the same planet, and he hadn’t turned out to be a huge misogynist when he didn’t get everything he wanted right away.

He tried to back track when I got pissed at him, but then I learned a bit more from people who’d known him longer, so I told him to leave me alone, and I ceremoniously cleared the programming from 047. The ship dropped me in British Columbia, where I’d moved to be in the forest. It was lovely after my desert stint, but before I could really enjoy what was left of my leave, I woke up.

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