Thursday, March 21, 2019

TBTT#41 Kitten Anxiety ~ 7/19/2018

I dreamed that there were dozens of kittens lost in the woods around my house. The momma cat couldn’t find them, but I caught sight of them, and started to bring them in to her to so they could eat.

At first there were kittens that looked about 8 weeks old, and would probably have been fine on their own, but I wasn’t sure they were weaned, and figured they probably weren’t great at hunting, so I brought them in. Then I heard more mewing when I went out to get something from my car, and there were even smaller kittens, about four of them. I brought them in for momma cat, hoping she had enough milk.

It was halloween, and I was still trying to figure out what to be, but then a huge thunderstorm started, so I figured I wasn’t going out trick-or-treating anyway, so it didn’t matter. But I started having a worried feeling, and couldn’t get it out of my head that there really should be more kittens. I went out, and sure enough, there were six huddled under a truck, hiding from the rain. They were only about 4 weeks old, it looked like. One by one I brought them in and snugged them down with the others.

A trick-or-treater actually came by, and when I went to give him candy, he thanked me, then held up a tiny, tiny kitten, all belly and skinny legs, eyes still closed, no more than 4 inches long, and its fur was bright blue. He said there were more, but he couldn’t get to them.

So I went out into the rain, and sure enough, there was an orange tiny kitten and a calico tiny kitten too. I brought them in, and was really confused about how many kittens one cat could possibly have, but we had a few adult female cats, so I asked my aunt to see if any of the others looked like they might have given birth. Thankfully she found one that had some milk, so the teeny tiny kittens started to feed.

Then a friend of mine came in and held out what at first I thought were some stones from the driveway. But they were kittens, born very premature, only about an inch and a half long, and a translucent ivory color. I couldn’t see how they could be alive, but they were still moving. I was trying to figure out what to do with them, and then I woke up.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

My Teeth Were Purple ~ 3/7/2019

I dreamed I traveled in time with Claire Beauchamp on her second trip. But instead of Scotland, she’d gone back to North America just at the beginning of its colonization. She was going back to find the Native American she’d been married to. Somehow, her modern day husband Frank found us and cane with us.

We tried several times to leave Frank with the English settlers, but he finally caught up with us on the evening before a boar hunt. The hunt had been planned to supply a feast to celebrate Claire’s return. The people we had joined were willing to take Frank in, too, because they didn’t have any proscriptions against partnerships among more than two people.

Frank was considering this option, which was good, because he’d been pretty violently angry when he found us. But he’d never even considered he might be able to keep Claire in his life without dragging her back to the future with him. He was taking the night to consider, and if he joined the hunt, it would mean his acceptance of the offer to become part of the group.

Claire and I were put up in a hotel, because she was being kept separate from it all until an agreement was reached, and I was just kind of assigned to her, since they didn’t know what else to do with me. In the middle of the night, I was startled awake by a hideous, squealing screech. The boar had launched a preemptive attack against the camp.

As we were scrambling around in the darkness, an even worse sound rang out. Men began to scream in terror and agony. But by the time we got to a window, everything had gone silent. Claire was sure that she had heard both her men screaming, but we couldn’t get out, and we had to wait until dawn to find out what had happened.

One thing that had happened when the sun rose was that time had shifted back to modernity. There was a huge tapped off area in the field beside the hotel, and in the middle lay a brown hillock covered with wild, rough brown bristles. It was the boar. It was HUGE. And it had gores Claire’s native husband, then Frank as well, when he leapt in to try and help the other man. The people decided this made him one of them, and they were busy getting him cared for. Claire rushes to help.

I wandered off and ended up at a shopping mall. It was one of those places that’s kind of shops clustered around a hotel and convention center, and there was an environmental and gender equality convention going on. I ran into some friends from New Orleans who were there to give a talk about bird populations. They got me in for some of the talks, which was really interesting.

Slowly I began to realize that all of the talks were kind of being judged. There was a panel that was evaluating what they learned to decide if it might inform policy change. They were all old and middle-aged white men. And they all obviously had money. The chairman was wearing a late Victorian suit, with pin striped trousers, a slate gray waistcoat, shining boots, and a beaver hat perched on one knee with his gloves. He had a round, pasty white face, with a sharp chin, small dark eyes, and a mop of iron gray curls. He had a silver watch and chain.

I was wondering who he was and what he might accomplish by hosting and evaluating these talks, when I felt something kind of weird in my mouth. I pushed my tongue against one of my molars, and it broke off. I could feel the jagged edges still planted in my gum, and the raw little bump of tissue within them. I spat out the crown of my tooth, and... it was a golden brown on the outside and purple inside. It looked like a chunk of amethyst, but it crumbled like sugar in my fingers. I showed it to my friend, and we were all just aghast. But it didn’t really hurt, so I hoped it would be fine.

Then I woke up. And I checked all my teeth!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Strange Anatomy ~ 3/3/2019

I dreamed I was going on a band trip, and went to change my clothes. I pulled down my jeans, and the lower bit of my stomach sagged down over my thighs like a flabby brisket. It was mildly repulsive, but I figured it was just loose skin, since I’d started losing weight.

I was walking down the street to get to the band bus when I realized I should use the bathroom, so I stopped into a hotel nearby. My mom was staying there, and I had a room key, so I went into her room. Mom wasn’t there, but I figured she wouldn’t mind. I popped into the bathroom, but when I went to put my jeans back on, the lower paunch of my stomach had dropped down to around my ankles.

 I stared down at the flappy, jiggly band of flesh, with my belly button at the end sort of pointed up at me. I tried to haul it back into my jeans so I could get on with my trip. As the skin and fat and muscle  passed through my hands, I could feel a loop of sort of round tubing inside.

I realized with horror that my intestines had herniated through my abdominal muscles, and a length of them was pushing the skin out into this elongated belly flap. I relaxed my stomach as much as I could and tried to feed and poke my intestines back into my gut where they belonged. I got most of them back in, except I could feel a small, hard, balloony little knob of them on my left side that wouldn’t fit.

I kept one hand holding the knob against my belly, and tried to call my mom with my cellphone in my other hand. I needed my mom to come take me to the hospital. Then I woke up.