Thursday, March 21, 2019

TBTT#41 Kitten Anxiety ~ 7/19/2018

I dreamed that there were dozens of kittens lost in the woods around my house. The momma cat couldn’t find them, but I caught sight of them, and started to bring them in to her to so they could eat.

At first there were kittens that looked about 8 weeks old, and would probably have been fine on their own, but I wasn’t sure they were weaned, and figured they probably weren’t great at hunting, so I brought them in. Then I heard more mewing when I went out to get something from my car, and there were even smaller kittens, about four of them. I brought them in for momma cat, hoping she had enough milk.

It was halloween, and I was still trying to figure out what to be, but then a huge thunderstorm started, so I figured I wasn’t going out trick-or-treating anyway, so it didn’t matter. But I started having a worried feeling, and couldn’t get it out of my head that there really should be more kittens. I went out, and sure enough, there were six huddled under a truck, hiding from the rain. They were only about 4 weeks old, it looked like. One by one I brought them in and snugged them down with the others.

A trick-or-treater actually came by, and when I went to give him candy, he thanked me, then held up a tiny, tiny kitten, all belly and skinny legs, eyes still closed, no more than 4 inches long, and its fur was bright blue. He said there were more, but he couldn’t get to them.

So I went out into the rain, and sure enough, there was an orange tiny kitten and a calico tiny kitten too. I brought them in, and was really confused about how many kittens one cat could possibly have, but we had a few adult female cats, so I asked my aunt to see if any of the others looked like they might have given birth. Thankfully she found one that had some milk, so the teeny tiny kittens started to feed.

Then a friend of mine came in and held out what at first I thought were some stones from the driveway. But they were kittens, born very premature, only about an inch and a half long, and a translucent ivory color. I couldn’t see how they could be alive, but they were still moving. I was trying to figure out what to do with them, and then I woke up.

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