I dreamed that I was explaining to my mother why, in the upcoming elections, the only thing I'd be basing my vote on was environmental policy. I told her that, if we didn't become vastly more environmentally responsible very quickly, we might not need to worry about any other issues in thirty to fifty years.
I explained to her about they hydrates in the arctic, trapping vast amounts of methane gas as long as the oceanic temperatures were cold enough, but poised to release them as the average temperature rise neared 6°C. That this carbon released into the atmosphere would create a positive feedback loop of warming that we wouldn't be able to stop once we started it. That we were solidly at 3°C above historic norms now, and climbing. That a temperature trend like this hadn't been seen since just before the great Permian extinctions, also do to released methane, and that we were basically all going to die if we didn't all make a change, both at the grass-roots personal level, and at the institutional, legislative level.
This started out in my grandmother's living room, but eventually, while I was explaining, I was breaking a path through white stuff that might have been hydrate, might have been ice, or might have been styrofoam. There was just lots of white everywhere. And somewhere in the midst of this diatribe, I woke up.
NB - I can make not claims to scientific accuracy on the part of my subconscious. I remember watching various explanatory videos on this subject, and these numbers apparently stuck in my head, but might not be right.
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