Mom was renovating a beautiful Victorian style house up on the hill above our place in the Hill Country, and either she or my aunt were going to live there, but it seemed to be haunted. The FBI agent from Without a Trace came to investigate. He and the intern Zach from Bones were trying to think of ways someone could be faking a ghost just to scare us. He kept playing tricks on Zach, putting him into a proposed ghost rig, then pretending he couldn't see or hear him anymore. Zach kept getting freaked out.
I had all my bedroom stuff set up in a corner of our property near some train tracks. I had a huge four poster bed with a canopy hung with gold curtains, a large oval standing mirror, a few heavy dressers, and a gold brocade sofa, all in dark wood. I had everything arranged so it demarcated a little room of my own, with the sofa at the foot of my bed. People kept trying to move it, though, and I kept having to move it back and tell people why I wanted it that way.
I finally decided that the ghost in the old house would feel better if some old photos taken by my grandfather were hung up there, so I needed to travel to a big library hundreds of miles away to go get some. To raise some money for the trip, I went on Amazon, where they had some crowd sourced editing projects. You could get money for proof reading paragraphs or recipes, $1 for one, $4 for three, $10 flat plus $1 each for more than ten. I started out with a chocolate chip cookie recipe, but I felt like, to really know if it was right, I'd have to rest it out, so that took a while.
I finally started my trip to the library. I took this special taxi that moved by tunneling through the ground. I watched episodes of Bones for a while, but the guy who played Booth was the guy from Without a Trace, and Bones herself didn't show up for most of the pilot, so that was weird. Also, the first investigation was of a planet where the moons orbited so close, they left tracks in the grass. An anomaly in one of the moon paths indicated the presence of some very special purple crystal. I decided this was too weird and turned the show off.
My tunneling vehicle surfaced for a bit to let me know that we were almost there. I had to dress old timey for some reason, so I put on a cotton shift, a light wool Victorian walking dress, and a Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock style overcoat. I went into the library and located old photos by my grandfather. I selected two in sepia tones that showed gentle yet strong looking old women. They seemed right for the house. The librarian was printing them out for me when I woke up.
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