I dreamed I was back in middle school. The only redeeming part was that, unlike actual middle school, the kids were all friendly, and didn't pick on me for being a nerd. My teacher didn't like me. In fact, she hated me. She interpreted something I had said weeks ago as a personal insult, and was determined to punish me now.
We had to do some sort of project based on some domino dice we drew out of a box. They were called dice, but they were each half a domino, but they went up to 43. Some of them had letters. Some of them had country names.
I had to do a research project, based on my dice, about Arkansas and Estonia. We all had 20 minutes to look up a smattering of facts. I had already had to do Arkansas before, so I just called that stuff up from memory. I thought I knew where Estonia was, at least, but I didn't feel very confident about my knowledge, so I went back to the reference section.
All the E encyclopedias were gone. There were some thick reference books marked "E", but all they contained was the spines of a bunch of English journals, as an index volume. There was another book ingeniously constructed so that, if you flipped the pages side to side, was a dictionary, and if you flipped them up and down, it was a thesaurus. Estonia was not listed. By now I was pretty sure the teacher had hidden them all.
I lifted up the top of my desk to look inside, and found a bunch of sharpened pencils, some crayons, and other assorted scholarly detritus, but nothing to help me out with Estonia. I did, however, tuck the pencils in my pocket, because I was pretty sure by then that the teacher was a vampire, and she was going to hold me after class until the sun went down so she could attack me.
Eventually I woke up.
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