I dreamed I was eating dinner with Tanya before Friday game night. But she just wanted a salad from a vegan place, and I definitely needed meat, so we split up. While I was in the cowboy-themed restaurant next door, my laptop somehow got connected to their network, and text boxes from one of the document suite maps I was working on got pasted all over their computerized menu boards.
So I missed game night, because I had to clean up that mess. The boards were really sophisticated, though. They were like touch screens, only you didn't have to touch them. You gesture toward them from a particular spot in the restaurant, and manipulate them that way. So I spent hours swiping right and left to find all the content I'd accidentally added, pointing to select, then swiping up to delete, as the last lingering patrons asked me all about my job.
Just as I was finishing up, a beautiful Indian woman stumbled in, very distressed, along with a little boy and a teenaged girl so blond and pale she was almost albino. I asked what I could do to help. She took me aside and revealed that she was a goddess, and these were two of her three children. She had lost her younger daughter, who was her oldest child by her divine spouse. The girl with her was half human, and the boy was her second child by the god. She had a way to retrieve her lost daughter, but she needed help.
You see, she could call her divine child to her if she reentered her true goddess form, but in this state she was monstrous, a giant worm, streaked with blue and green and gold, with a dragon head and horns. She would be a danger in that form to anyone more frail than she. This was not a problem for the daughter she would call; as her firstborn child by the god, she too had the power to change, and, in fact, would be changed by her mother's call, and would return to their human state when her mother did.
But her half human daughter and her second born son would be in danger, as would any other mortals nearby. So she needed a private place to change and someone to look after her children. I agreed to help, and we all piled into my smart car. We got stopped in a sketchy neighborhood by a crowd of people blocking the road. They'd gotten up an impromptu dog fight. Then I revealed my own super power, and transformed into an enormous, spectral black dog with a bark like a lion's roar, and I chased them all away.
We continued on to the motel where the goddess had a room she planned to change in. I took the other children next door to wait. But after an hour of meditation, attempting to sink into her true state through chanting the holy words with pure intent, she was unable to change because her door didn't lock properly, and people kept walking by, which worried and distracted her.
I mentioned that my family had farmland only an hour away, and the abandoned homestead was empty. The children and I could stay there and lock ourselves in, and she could find a secluded clearing away from everyone for her change. She agreed and we drove out there.
We had just gotten settled in the derilect old house, and the goddess had left us, when the little boy fell while exploring the attic stairs and broke his leg. The good news was, when his mother returned to human form, all would be healed, but we knew that would take hours, and if the boy gave in to the screams of pain that welled up in his throat, he might call the monster down on us all.
So for hours I held him and he crushed my hand in his agonized grip while he bit back cries of pain. Tears ran down his face, and his half sister ran back and forth to the sink, bringing cold wet cloths to drape over the break and wash his face. It was all we could do. Suddenly I heard a truck driving by. It was one of my uncles, I saw from a window. I was so worried he'd stop and find us, and somehow cause a scene that would bring the monster back.
He ended up just driving on, which was good, but I kept hearing more and more trucks as the sky lightened and the farmers got to work. I began to worry that the remote place I'd offered wasn't remote enough. Had anyone found and disturbed the goddess? But just then the little boy stood up on a leg healed good as new, and we all ran out to the carport.
Dozens of people were gathered along the dirt road to watch as a beautiful, dark-skinned woman and girl walked toward the house where we waited. And then I woke up.
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