Thursday, February 6, 2014

Meta ~ 2/5/2014

All I really remember about last night's dreams was that I dreamed that I was dreaming, and in my dream dream, I was lucid and imagining what I would write for the blog. So here goes. The only image I can remember from my dream. Two little girls. Humanoid but with a catlike cast to their features and thick, straight, bushy hair like manes around their round heads. One had hair straight out in all directions like a perfect sphere, while the other had the sides smoothed down, though still full, and the top formed into a thick wedge pointing straight up. They had freckles and buck teeth, in spite of their feline aspect, and their nut-brown hair had streaks of dark and light up the center, like a chipmunk's coat. So, these two cat-chipmunk-girl-children wore white tank tops and bright neon polka dotted skirts, one hot pink and the other lime green, matching rolled down socks, and saddle shoes, with necklaces and bangles and rings all made up of matching plastic daisies with yellow centers. They were pretty much the height of 80s cool, and I think they were the stars of a kids' show, and I dreamed that I dreamed I saw them, and dreamed that I dreamed I would tell you all about them, so now I have!

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