Friday, April 24, 2015

Pop Culture Mashups and Improbable Commutes ~ 4/24/2016

I dreamed I was Dr. Temperance Brennen, the vampire slayer. I could change my appearance at will, and I was always worried I'd completely forget what I really looked like, or that maybe I had no true natural face. Duncan Idaho was the guardian of the slayer line, and the way it was ensured that there would be a slayer in every generation was that he fathered one.

Then I was me, riding a bicycle. First I was biking down Rampart Street in the predawn dark, trying to get to work. But I took a wrong turn and ended up on I-10. I couldn't turn around until the I-55 exit, and it was full light before I made it back into town. Then I was suddenly on the roads near Momo's house. Stopping at stop signs was hard, and I seemed to only really be able to pedal with my right leg. Eventually I got the hang of things, but then I hit a bump and went flying up in the air. When I landed, my bicycle was facing backwards.

I took a break from cycling when I got to the diner. It was a weird little place built around an old road. Traffic could no longer go through because the diner counter made the road too narrow. I got there too early, though, and before it opened, I woke up.

Monday, April 20, 2015

I'm Dreaming of a Weird Christmas ~ 4/20/2015

I dreamed that we were staying at Betty and Ronnie's for Christmas. We went shopping in this little holiday boutique in Schulenburg, and there was a discount rack of old decorations and keepsakes. I got one little reindeer figurine for $12.38, instead of the original price of $47.99, because it was marked for the year 2021, which was over a decade ago.

We were all getting ready to go to the vigil mass, so I helped Betty take some gear out of their two identical suburbans. They had the seats down and a pile of equipment in each. Betty explained that, with their set up, they could be unpacked and ready to cater a barbecue or go camping, and then packed up again, in less than twenty minutes.

We were about to set off for mass when Dad showed up with a new hair cut. He'd been delayed, but he made it just in time. After mass, he came to talk to me in the garage. We all knew he was sick and might die soon, and he was worried about his cat. The cat was very old, and sick too, and he asked me if I would please be there for it, and look after it until its end, if he couldn't be around to do it.

I agreed, and after that it became my job to clean up its messes, which were many, as it was an old, blind, really fat, and incontinent cat. But I was able to keep things reasonably clean, and wash the stain out of the nice guest bath towel that had fallen on the floor and gotten messed on.

The next day we had a big holiday party. One of my friends from New Orleans showed up in a tux. I saw him in a tux a lot, because he'd been a groomsman in many weddings I'd been to. He was a super good looking guy, and the tux only enhanced that, and my Dad asked why I wasn't dating him. He was worried that I'd be alone, with no important man in my life when he was gone.

I explained that, friendly as we were, I wasn't my friend's type to be romantically interested in. My dad argued that I was too beautiful for that to be true, and just look at how gorgeous I was in my new red dress. All I could do was shrug. I had no answers for why any guy wasn't interested in me, because I agreed that I was pretty and amazing, but there's no accounting for taste. Then I woke up.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

TBTT#10 My Very Own Castle ~ June 13, 2012

I had the most amazing dream. A total stranger bequeathed me a freakin' CASTLE on a point of land between a beautiful blue river and the sea. It had an enormous, gorgeous kitchen, its own recycling center, two pool tables, and floors and halls and suites of rooms to explore. It was even haunted by a beautiful and seductive lady ghost. There were some drawbacks. The megachurch next door used the parking garage on its lower floors, which was fine, but then they came spilling into my area like it was a shopping arcade, and I didn't own the land along the south of the point, and was trying to buy it up before developers came and built between me and the sea. But I was working on fixing those issues, and I had help. Because in my dream, I also had someone in my life whom I could plop down on a couch beside, lean against, and feel safe and whole and happy.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Back to School, Back in Time ~ 4/12/2015

I dreamed that, in spite of having gone through university and grad school, we found out that somehow I had missed a semester in high school. So I re-enrolled in Medina Valley to finish up. I was there the first day of school, but then they called me to come back to work for a week, then I was sick for a week, so before I could go back to class, I had to go make sure my permit to be enrolled was still valid.

The Department of Education was in a beige-painted brick building next to a grassy alley of enormous old live oaks. I had finished getting my permit checked, and would be okay to go back to class, but everyone who helped me through the process nagged me about how I could only miss two weeks of school total for the semester to even count, so I'd better not miss any more class.

I went outside to wait form my mother to come pick me up. I sat on a huge, low oak branch, and watched a bunch of baby seals playing in the mulch around my feet. They were about the size of pigeons. It looked like they'd gotten through the bars of a nearby enclosure, where their mom was. Their mom was a young snow leopard. I shepherded them back to her, and she was very grateful.

I went back to my second day of school, and was super-irritated by the teenagers around me. Then I got a call that I was needed for an emergency, so I left. I figured if I turned in all my assignments, my teachers would sign off on graduating me, since this was just a formality anyhow, and I could ace all the tests.

I discovered that my dad was playing in a nation-wide time travel, European history sort of RPG, and they had discovered a plot by gigantic ants to turn humans into mindless slaves. The giant ants would send their normal-sized ant minions to bite people with a special venom. People would swell up with boils from the bites, then turn into zombies. But we had the antidote.

While my dad worked with a Norman warrior queen to get archery tips, I began shooting infected people in non-vital places with small arrows tipped with the antidote. Dad and the queen and a raiding party were able to destroy the evil giant ants and their lair, and my archers and I cured all the people.

My dad sat me down in the empty artist's studio that his RPG team used for their meetings. He got me to record his notes from the partnership with the Norman queen in the game log. He particularly wanted things in writing so that no one could accuse him of cheating, either in the game or on my mother. I was to use a special, dark green grease pencil.

I copied his notes over onto the laminated game log pages, until the afternoon got so hot that the grease pencil melted all over my hands. I couldn't reach the high sink to wash the oily green paste off of my fingers, until Dad reminded me that I could go up some steps to a landing behind the sink and reach it from there.

I got my fingers all cleaned off, and went over to the Randall's on Buffalo Speedway, where they had a DIY Mongolian barbecue bar. I picked out some beef and broccoli and brown sauce, but decided I would stir fry it up at home, since another woman was using the grill at the moment. Then I woke up.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Band Trip to Sweden ~ 4/10/2015

I dreamed the Marching Owl Band went to Sweden to give a exhibition show in a European marching band competition. Our fedoras were the size of ten gallon hats, and for some reason we were using the herald trumpets. I had a hard time doing horn flashes in Louie, Louie without hurting myself.

We got off the bus at the institute that was holding the competition, and I went to get in line for the ladies room. But I didn't see the line at first, and sort of walked to the head of it by mistake, and this huge woman who was acting as the line monitor put me in a choke hold and dragged me to the end of the line. I tried to explain that she could have just called out to me first, but she didn't speak English.

We had a lot of time before the competition and our show, so we went on a bus tour of the area we were in. It was night, and I stood on a white sand beach, barefoot in spite of the cold, and watched the northern lights dance across the sky. Then a snow shower began, but it was the most spectacular thing. These tiny snow clouds would burst like pale, shimmery, and perfectly symmetrical eight-pointed stars. Snowflakes would drift down from the tips of each star. The sky was filled with them, traced across an otherwise clear night sky like spiderwebs.

Then I was late to our performance, but that's okay because it looked like part of the show. Then I forgot how to play Louie, Louie, which was pretty embarrassing. Then the whole thing was over and I was headed home.

Back home, I was the Queen of Diamonds in a pack of cards. The Queen of Hearts (that tramp) was the King's mistress, and had born him a bastard son, while I had only given him a daughter. I was pregnant again, but in true Anne Boleyn style, I miscarried. Worried about my daughter and my own position, I commanded the power of quartz and elm to be with the two children, so they could withstand the flood of the King's wrath when I told him.

I wasn't so worried about myself because the King's favorite adviser really cared for me, and I was a favorite with all his counsel.  And also, the King was stern and demanding, but he wasn't actually crazy like Henry VIII, and our laws could be changed in favor of either child. Also, the Queen of Hearts was really a decent friend to me, so I figured we could work something out, especially once the King saw how strong either child could be.  And then I woke up.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Upstairs, Downstairs ~ 4/9/2015

I dreamed I was the daughter of an earl, and had two other sisters, two brothers, and a lot of servants. I found out my parents were sending me on an outer space mission to toughen me up, and I didn't want to go, so I dressed my maid in my clothes and sent her, while I went to help in the kitchens. I figured that would toughen me up quite enough.

In true Shakespearean style, no one noticed the swap, but there were some truly awkward moments when I found out my maid was carrying on with the undergardener, and I had to try to put him off without ruining it for her. Meanwhile, I had to keep in touch with my maid to help her communicate with her chaperon, our butler Malvolio, who looked like Mr. Carson from Downton Abbey. So I knew when "I" went wandering and ended up getting let out the airlock, and was lost in space.

My maid would have died, except a very handsome deep space diver intercepted her on his way down to earth. He got her back to her ship, and they all came home. We had had a plan for how to switch back, of course, but since my maid was still recovering, someone was with her all the time, and we couldn't. So I kept up acting as a maid, but then things got dangerous.

Someone started the rumor that "I" had lost my virginity in space and tried to kill myself. Suspicion fell on Malvolio, whom I knew was innocent. He was accused because they found a rose among his belongings that didn't smell right. I knew that my maid had found it in the spaceship gardens and taken it, but then was afraid and hid it. But I couldn't tell anyone that. So I tried to clear his name by starting the rumor that he was gay.  But no one believed me, and it was just as well, because it turned out that was a high crime.

Then our undergardener was accused of trying to court a noblewoman, which I knew he both had and really hadn't, and then they lit him on fire and they burned him before I could figure out what to say. I began to be very afraid of what would happen to my maid if they found out she'd impersonated me. So, I decided to swap places with another maid, only to find that she was my sister, who had swapped with her own maid.

This was all too confusing, and I was traumatized from watching a man burn alive, so I went for a walk, trapeze artist style, over the trusses of an old broken up bridge, to clear my head. And then I woke up.