Friday, April 25, 2014

Death Immenent ~ 4/25/2014

I dreamed I was alternately working with Stephen Fry, or that I was Stephen Fry himself, and that we/I could tell when people were about to die.

Young, old, sick, healthy, didn't matter. Imminent death would manifest as a thick, opaque, black cloud of smoke, billowing around the person's neck, enveloping their head, rattling in their lungs, until, with a gasp, they took it all in... and died.

Sometimes, though, it would change it's mind, leap from one person to another. It claimed an old woman in her opulent rooms in a holiday resort abroad, then settled on her grandson. But before it took him, it leapt away to a little boy that passed him on a skateboard.

We watched it hover over a small, golden haired girl playing an angel in a Winter Olympics opening ceremony, until she fell down back stage and passed. I felt it coalesce around my own head and throat, felt the gritty soot in my lungs, but then it left to take an old man.

We/I tried to solve the mystery of what it was, determine if it was death itself or a malignant and capricious spirit, studied it, chased it, tried to predict it, but we could never stop it.

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